It has been great day here at Vacation Bible School! After several days of rain, we had sunny blue skies, much to the delight of the children who have been looking forward to playing outside. But first, let’s visit a few classes and find out what they have been learning.

Today the Primary 3-4 Class listened to the story of Zacchaeus, a man who had very few friends. He was a tax collector and thief, yet the Lord Jesus being the Friend of sinners became a true Friend to him.

Meanwhile in the Primary 5-6 Class, the students there had a very special lesson on David and Jonathan coupled with some personal stories from their teacher on how friendship can lighten one’s load.

Having good weather meant being able to play outside!

In the midst of all the activities, it has been a joy watching the children make new friends with one another!
We also want to thank all who have volunteered to drive the children to church for Vacation Bible School. May the Lord richly bless each one of you!