About Our Church
Learn more about Harvester Baptist Church and what you can expect when you visit through a statement written by our founder, Cliff Hunnicutt, Jr.
Welcome to Harvester Baptist Church!
Address: The Harvester Baptist Church is located off Bartley Road on 4 Eden Grove. It is within walking distance (an approximately 5 minutes walk) from the Serangoon MRT Station and not too far from a number of bus stops.
Phone: (65) 6282-2844
Service Times:
Lord’s Day
Morning Service: 10 am
Evening Service: 6 pm
We Are Committed
At Harvester, we take our relationship with God very seriously, and we also cherish our relationship with one another. We could never be “Sunday-only Christians”, nor Christians in name only, because we have understood the teachings of Jesus and now practice living by them—at home, at work or wherever we may be.
We are Worshipful
Since deep reverence toward God is at the heart of our worship meetings, we are never pressurized by time. Our worship is not limited by pre-arranged plans, pre-printed programs, or what other churches usually do on the Lord’s Day. Long ago, we purposed never to allow the Lord’s Day be diminished into the Lord’s Hour. Our first hour is spent in uninterrupted worship and hymn-singing.
We are a Kneeling Church
The entire front of our Church is an altar. We are convinced that God honors humble souls who love to kneel in His presence. All throughout our worship, there is freedom for anyone to kneel before God.
Individuals are also at liberty to respond to God’s tender voice of challenge, correction or conviction. When God speaks to our hearts, kneeling becomes our posture of preference. All through God’s Word, kneeling is clearly proven to be God’s preference:
- The Psalmist worshiping and kneeling (Psalm 95:6)
- King Solomon kneeling to pray (2 Chronicles 6:13)
- Daniel kneeling before God (Daniel 6:10)
We are Careful
You may notice that our entire Church is a choir—a rich and God-blessed choir of men and women, dads and moms, and all our children, too. The hymn books we use are conservative because we are conservative Christians. Charismatic and contemporary music tend only to promote worldliness; Scripture teaches us to “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15).
Our desire for every Christian is deep love for one another, deeper love for Christ, and more worshipful devotion to the Church. This will always be a worthy goal.
We are Serious
Our children have been taught to be serious about reverence and respectful conduct at church because this is the atmosphere in their homes. They learn early in life that obeying parents is synonymous to obeying God. Our parents are serious, too, as they aim to be living examples to their children.
One way our parents have shown utmost devotion is by their careful insistence that the education of their children be productive of pure thinking, as well as holy character. We believe young people are protected from world-mindedness if they are taught early to avoid patterns of pleasure-seeking.
We are Respectful
When you visit us, you may also notice that the men and boys are all dressed respectfully, rather than casually. We come to church having been taught that we are coming into the presence of the King of kings. Our ladies attire themselves in modest apparel—an expression of their reverence, compatible with their holy character and deep love for God. Even our children dress with thoughtful respect that God is worthy of the highest honor.
Respect can also be seen in confidence toward our leadership. The servants of God in our midst are highly respected because God chose them to be as shepherds who “watch over our souls.”
We are Sincere
There is an increasing tendency among new generations to prefer more entertainment mixed with church worship, rather than worship-filled adoration to God. Not so with us. We promote no talent—no exaltation of the flesh! God does not need to be entertained. Good talent can often only become needless entertainment, seizing a suitable opportunity to compete with genuine worship.
Real sincerity of heart is the key to spiritual reality and this is God’s desire also. The foundation which we must continue to build upon is the written Word of God. There is no higher standard of righteousness than in the Bible.
We are Watchful
The Rapture of the Lord’s Church out of this world is very close at hand. There has never been a more urgent time for us to live sacrificial lives, pleading with others to follow Christ with us. At any moment we could hear the sound of the trump and the voice of the archangel, announcing the Rapture of all true Christians into the eternal presence of their Lord. Scripture clearly declares the very moment of the Rapture:
16 The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17
Imagine the horror of those who may be, at best, only church attenders—not ready for the Rapture when it takes place.
We are Covenant People
We are deeply committed to life in Christ by a serious covenant relationship to God and to one another. True Christians love Christ personally and are deeply devoted to His teachings. When we experienced true repentance toward God and faith in Christ, our Covenant relationship was sealed—forever!
We cherish the Word and Will of God above all else. The indwelling Christ becomes the fullness of Christ in us as we practice living by the Truth.
There is never a need for true Covenant Christians to “agree to disagree” among ourselves because this is simply unnecessary. We always agree together because our life is in the Body of Christ and our guidance is from His Holy Spirit. Our joy is in knowing God’s fullness as we serve Him without reservations!
We are Mission-Minded
Our church had its beginning as a work of missions more than forty years ago. Today, we have extensions of our ministry in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, China and Myanmar. Missionary outreach is vitally at the heart of all our endeavors.
Every Lord’s Day, a ministry team travels by boat from Singapore to Indonesia’s Riau islands—a very profitable ministry over the years. In areas where we are unable to establish regular, permanent witness, we send ministry messages by mail. Such is the case with Sarawak located in East Malaysia.
We are Grateful
For more than forty years, the peace of God has been with us and our hearts are filled with gratitude for all He has done. Our Church in Singapore is located in a very quiet residential area—peaceful and suitable for worship.
As God reminds us, we are overwhelmed with grateful hearts for His provisions. Our present building, occupying nearly an acre of land, was previously one of the hotels of Singapore’s early days as a nation. There are three large assembly areas and over twenty other rooms providing adequate space for all our ministry needs.
We cordially invite you to visit us—even to join us permanently. We will be very grateful for every opportunity to help and serve you spiritually.