The Children's Meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, from 3pm to 6pm.
Age Divisions:
3 to 5 years old
5 to 8 years old
9 to 12 years old
Our Sunbeam Classes for the children are held on alternate Wednesday afternoons. Each class is designed and prepared for a specific age group. Here's what one of our younger students had to say:
"I love my class because I get to read my Bible verse and get a sticker and a Wee Lamb article. I'm learning about Abraham and Moses. I love my teachers because they love me and my friends."
Besides Bible stories, our children are also taught about the lives of inspiring men and women whom God has used throughout history. It is our desire that even at a young age, God's Word will be understood and made practical to the children, so that they can come to know God at a young age and live lives honoring to Him.