The True God
The God of the Bible is the only true God. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, equal in every aspect but executing distinct offices in the work of redemption.
The Creation
We believe the Genesis account that all creation was formed by the spoken words of God.
The Fall of Man
We believe that man was created in innocence but transgressed God's law by voluntary choice. All men were henceforth born in sin and are under God's just condemnation, until they are declared righteous God's way.
God’s Word to Us
We believe that the Bible is God’s verbally inspired revelation of Himself and His will to man, and the only true guide and standard for all Christian practices.
The Virgin Birth
We believe that Jesus was miraculously begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, according to exacting prophetic fulfillment. He was born to become the sacrifice for every man’s sin.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit enlightens the conscience, convinces men of sin, and guides Christians into all Truth. He permanently indwells, seals and keeps every believer sanctified forever.
Our Scripture clearly teaches “repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” is required of all men if they are to be saved from sin. Believers are declared righteous solely through faith, although God demands their repentance before accepting their faith (Acts 20:21).
God’s Gracious Atonement
The sacrifice of Christ is for all men and is limited only by an individual’s unbelief and rejection of the gospel.
The New Creation
The new birth is an instantaneous act brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit when He permanently indwells those who repent of sin and become true followers of Christ. Sinful souls become the work of God’s new creation.
The Lordship of Christ
The unity of Jesus as Savior and Jesus as Lord is a unity scripturally indisputable. The separation of this unity in the teaching of “Easy Believism” churches allows people to “accept Jesus” as Savior to qualify them to enter heaven, while offering them the option to “make Him Lord” whenever they choose or never. This is completely unscriptural and unacceptable. Obedience to Christ is a major proof of true faith in salvation.
The Local Church
The local church is a self-governing body of born-again, baptized followers of Christ, who worship Him regularly on the Lord’s Day and who regulate the affairs of the church fellowship according to scriptural principles.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Baptism by immersion alone shows our identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. The Lord’s Supper is the continuing commemoration of Christ’s death until He returns and must never by simply a ritual.
The Church and State
We believe that civil government is honored by Christians as God-ordained for the purpose of deterring evil and punishing criminals, but the believer’s highest authority is God and God’s Word. Secular government must never be church-controlled and the opposite is equally unscriptural. Secular government should provide religious liberty so every man may make his own religious choice. Christianity must never be by coercion.
Heaven and Hell
We believe in the reality of an eternal, heavenly home prepared by Christ for all believers. Hell is a literal place prepared for the devil and his angels, as well as the sad destination of every unbeliever.
Events of the Future
The Rapture of the Church
- The Judgment Seat of Christ for believers
- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The Tribulation of Seven Years
- For all unbelievers and nations
The Battle of Armageddon
- The end-time war that never was
The Second Coming of Christ
- Personal • Visible • With His Saints
Christ’s Millennial Reign
- The Church reigning with Christ
The White Throne Judgment
- The final judgment for all unbelievers of all generations
A New Heaven and A New Earth
- By the Almighty, Everlasting God
Our Future
Life together with the Eternal God in the Peace of His Presence—Forever!